Specializing in retirement planning and personalized investment management.

Financial Links - States U - W

We have clients in a variety of states, however, we recognize that some people may prefer to work with a local financial planner. Below is a list of other fee-only financial advisors across the country. The list is simply a resource and does not constitute any endorsements.


Milne Financial Planning, Vermont
Jamie Milne is a Certified Financial Planner, who offers independent, fee-only advice that specializes in retirement and investment planning.  Milne Financial Planning has offices in Burlington, Barre, and St. Johnsbury Vermont. www.milnefeeonly.com
Fee-Only Wealth Management, Investment Management, and Financial Planning in Richmond VA Summit Financial Planning in Richmond, VA specializes in asset and wealth management for individuals and corporations, and because we are a fee-only firm, our clients will never pay us commissions of any kind. 
Fee-Only NAPFA Registered Advisor, Newport News, VA - Visit The Advisory Firm of Katherine L. Brown at brownplanning.com to find a fee-only financial planner in Hampton Roads, Virginia for your investment management and financial planning needs.  Serving clients since 2005.
CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER in Vancouver, Washington - Pathfinder Financial Advisors is a fee-only financial planning firm serving the Vancouver, WA and Portland, OR area.  Owner Steve Wolfe, CFP specializes in financial planning and investment advice customized to your needs on an hourly fee basis. www.pathfinderfa.com
Sherwood Investment Services in Seattle, Washington
Sherwood Investment Services in Redmond, WA has 20+ years experience developing sound financial strategies, helping individuals in WA and nationwide plan and invest for retirement on a Fee-Only basis. www.sherwood-investments.com
Michael Pace, Independent Fee-Only CFP® Financial Advisor in Seattle
Michael Pace, CFP® offers fee-only retirement planning & financial planning services and investment management services to individual clients and families in Seattle, Washington. www.michaelpace.net/
Washington Fee-Only CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER – CFP Certificant, Investment & Financial Advisor Seattle-Tacoma-Olympia, Washington Commencement Financial Planning, LLC offers comprehensive fee-only financial planning and portfolio management services to individuals and families in and around Seattle-Tacoma-Olympia, Washington.
West Virginia
 Financial Fiduciaries is a Fee-Only Financial Advisor and Planner in Wausau serving clients throughout Wisconsin. Our mission is to zealously represent the interests of our clients in their financial dealings. Financial Fiduciaries specializes in comprehensive financial planning, retirement planning, investment management, and business financial consulting.

Retirement Planning Solutions - Bill McDonald, Fee-Only Financial Planner in Madison, WI
Retirement Planning Solutions, LLC is a Wisconsin based Registered Investment Advisor Firm specializing in retirement planning for middle income retirees. We are an Independent Fee-Only Firm featuring DFA (Dimensional Funds). www.retirementplanningsolutions.us