Specializing in retirement planning and personalized investment management.

Tax Limitations: 2024

Retirement Plans
Salary deferrals into 401(k), 403(b), and 457 Plans $23,000
Catch-up contribution (age 50+) $7,500
Defined Contribution $69,000
Defined Benefit $275,000
IRA and Roth IRA $7,000
Catch-up contribution (age 50+) $1,000
IRA deduction phaseout for active participants:
Single $77,000 - $87,000
Married Filing Jointly $123,000 - $143,000
Spousal IRA $230,000 - $240,000
Roth IRA phaseout:
Single $146,000 - $1461,000
Married Filing Jointly $230,000 - $240,000

Estate and Gifting
Estate tax exclusion $13,610,000
Gift tax annual exclusion $18,000

Coverdell Education Savings Account ($2,000 limit) phaseout:
Single $95,000 - $110,000
Married Filing Jointly $190,000 - $220,000
Lifetime Learning Credit (20% of qualified expenses up to $10,000) phaseout:
Single $80,000 - $90,000
Married Filing Jointly $160,000 - $180,000
American Opportunity Tax Credit (100% up to $2k of qualified expenses, 25% on next $2k) phaseout:
Single $80,000 - $90,000
Married Filing Jointly $160,000 - $180,000
Student loan interest deduction ($2,500) phase out
Single $70,000 - $85,000
Married Filing Jointly $140,000 - $170,000

Personal Exemption $0, suspended for 2018 - 2025
Standard Deduction:
Single $14,600
Married Filing Jointly $29,200
Married Filing Separately $14,600
Head of Household $21,900
Standard Mileage Use Rates:
Business $0.67 per mile
Charitable $0.14 per mile
Medical or Moving $0.21 per mile

Social Security & Medicare
Social Security tax rate (employee) 6.20%
Social Security tax rate (self-employed) 12.40%
Social Security taxable wage base $168,600
Retirement earnings exempt amount* $22,320/year
* $1 in social security benefits will be withheld for every $2 in earning above this amount
Medicare tax rate (employee) 1.45%
Medicare tax rate (self-employed) 2.90%
Medicare taxable wage base Unlimited
Medicare Part B:
Deductible $240
Coinsurance 20%
Monthly premium:
Single Married Filing Jointly  
$103,000 or less $206,000 or less $174.70
$103,001 - $129,000 $206,001 - $258,000 $244.60
$129,001 - $161,000 $258,001 - $322,000 $349.40
$161,001 - $193,000 $322,001 - $386,000 $454.20
$193,001 - $500,000$386,001 - $750,000$559.00
$500,001+ $750,001+ $594.00