Specializing in retirement planning and personalized investment management.

Blue Water Capital Management, LLC is a boutique, fee-only financial advisory firm.

Why Choose Us
We’re professional financial advisors, not salespeople.

  • Independent
  • Blue Water is an independent advisory firm. We are not associated with the traditional Wall Street brokerage firms.

  • Fee-Only
  • Most advisors are “fee-based”, meaning they work on a combination of fees and commissions. “Fee-Only” means we do not work on commissions or any other sales incentives.

  • Fiduciary
  • We uphold a fiduciary responsibility, meaning we act in your best interest.

  • CFP® Professionals
  • Our advisors are Certified Financial Planner™ Professionals.

  • Experienced
  • We have over 25 years of experience in financial advisement.

  • Client Focused
  • As an established boutique firm, our primary focus is our clients, not growth and prospecting.

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What We Do
Our service is Wealth Management, which is a combination of financial planning and investment management. Depending on the client, it can include a variety of financial areas including:

  • Retirement Planning & Funding
  • Education Funding
  • Insurance Analysis
  • Tax Strategies
  • Estate Planning
  • Custom Portfolio Allocation
  • Asset Location & Tax Loss Harvesting
  • RSU and Stock Options
  • Income Ladder
  • Cash & Debt Management
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What To Expect Working With Us

Prospective Client

We’ll have two meetings so you can make an informed decision.

  1. Initial – This is usually a 30-minute phone call where we discuss what you’re looking for, our services and fees, and generally see if we’re a good match. If so, we’ll schedule an in-person meeting and send you a questionnaire.
  2. Explore - At this meeting, we’ll get better acquainted, dive deeper into your goals and concerns, and go over more of the details of our services and what you can expect as a client.


If you decide to work with us, they’ll be some initial paperwork. We’ll likely request investment statements, your latest tax return, social security statements and other documents for our analysis.

Depending on the scope, we’ll have 1-3 meetings to review the retirement plan, investment plan, tax strategies, and other aspects of the financial plan.

After the initial financial analysis and recommendations, you’ll have access to our two portals:

Financial Planning Portal – View the current success percentage of your financial / retirement plan. Investment accounts updated daily. Other assumptions updated periodically.

Portfolio Portal - View your portfolio, allocation and performance. Updated daily.

Besides the two portals, we also proactively provide a Wealth Review, which includes current details and recommendations on all aspects of your financial life. Updated periodically.

Meetings (in-person and/or web-based) as necessary.

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Advisory Fees

Blue Water charges an upfront fee for initial planning and analysis, and then a quarterly advisory fee that starts at 0.80% for the 1st $1,000,000 and decreases with higher assets.

We work with professionals in industries such as technology, legal and medical, business owners, and of course retirees, who make up over 50% of our clients.

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Contact Us

If you’d like to set up an initial phone conversation, please contact us. If we seem like a good fit after the initial meeting, we’ll schedule an in-person meeting to get better acquainted, discuss your goals and go over more of the details of our services.

Contact Us